Meet the ScreenFlow-er: Educator, David Besozzi

David Besozzi is a National Board Certified secondary social studies teacher with the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School in central New York state who uses screencasting as an fundamental part of his curriculum. He recently contacted us to let us know how much it has changed his teaching.

He has created screencasts to help him with his daily instruction, and has found that students are responding positively to his initiative. He says, “I have been tracking student use of screencasting for the last two years. The data indicates that students find screencasting a worthwhile endeavor. As educators become more willing to embrace technology as a resource for enhancing instruction, software such as ScreenFlow will help to make the development of those enhanced resources easier to achieve.”

Bravo, David, for embracing screencasting! Read all about what he’s doing and how he’s doing it below.

How Long Should Your Videos Be?

Most people are ultimately making marketing videos – with the goal of selling something, whether it be a company, a product, or a service. (You might think, “Hey, there are lots of other types of videos too! The honey badgerWhat about those ridiculous honey badger videos!” Well, you’ll notice that even those that seem to be purely entertainment are selling something… in this case, he’s got his own line of honey badger t-shirts. So I would argue that many entertainment videos are marketing videos in disguise. Troll around YouTube, and you’ll be hard pressed to find a video that’s not ultimately marketing something- either a brand or a product or even a link to a site that has advertising or other products). So, for most (i.e. marketing) videos, the optimal length depends on the goal of the video itself, and where the viewer is in the sales process.

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